Sunday, April 10, 2011

Historical Relationship Between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam

Muhammad taught his followers to respect people of the Christianity and Judaism religion.  All 3 of the religions coming from Abraham they all tell some of the same stories and teach some of the same lessons.  These religions all believe in one all knowing and merciful god. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Qur'an

The Significance of the Qur'an

The Qur'an is very significant to the Islamic belief.  The Qur'an tells Muhammads's stories and teachings.  Muhammad is very important to the Islamic belief.  It is the Islamic bible.

Muhammad's Life and Teachings

Muhammad was born around 570 C.E.  His father died befor he was born.  His mother sent away to live with the nomads for several years.  When he was about 5 or 6 he returned to the city with his mother.  His mother soon died and he went to live with his grandfather.  After his grandfather died he went to live with his uncle where he learned about trade.  He became a trader as a young man and married Khadijah at the age of 25.  In 610 C.E. Muhammad went to pray in a cave and received a call to be a prophet.  Muhammad continued to receive messages from the angel Gabriel over the next 22 years.  Muhammad's followers wrote down his teachings in the Qur'an.  Around 613 C.E. began to preach to other Makkans.  He taught that people should worship only the one god, all believers in god were equal, and that the rich should share their money. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Oases

Oases are areas where fresh water can be found in the desert. Oases can provide plant life, shade, and water.

Oases can occur where water has been trapped underground.  A spring or waterhole forms when the water seeps to the surface.

The Arabian Desert Adaptations

Nomads migrate through the Arabian Desert raising sheep, goats and camels.  They migrate to where vegatation and water is and move when the animals have eaten all the vegatation.

Camels are a good mode of transportation. Camels can survive for days without water, eat anything, and can carry heavy loads for long distances.

The Arabian Desert

NHMU046.jpgSummer temperatures can reach up to 120˚F. Temperatures at nighttime and winter can drop below freezing. It does not rain more than 3 or 4 inches annually. These droughts can last for years.

Often times in the desert wind and sandstorms may occur. These winds can transform the landscape and create sand dunes that can rise up to 800 feet in the sky.